The Playlist Collection

Ever notice how your favorite song can change your mood instantly? You hear the first few notes and immediately start dancing or you hear a lyric that speaks so much truth it hits you somewhere deep! The homes from Playlist were designed for the same effect. Each plan is named for a song that inspires us, motivates us and yes, hits us somewhere deep. Originally designed as a mixtape, in the form of a collection for the developer of the community where Playlist was first built. Because once upon a time when you had a crush on someone, you made them a mixtape! The Playlist continues to profess our love and admiration for the communities where we build, the people who choose our homes, and the songs that make us move. We hope these plans hit you somewhere deep.

Southbound C_9dhZIIZzuH6xyrgq - Thumbnail
Castle B_v0Xqql1iCQZvVNvM - Thumbnail
Found a Dream A_GbX3G5iLAEVh8HAx - Thumbnail

The Playlist Collection

Single-Family Homes

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